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AD-1690 Pipette Leak Tester

The AD-1690 instantly identifies any compromise in the pressure integrity of small pumps, piping, storage containers and especially micropipettes. Tests devises to 50ml capacity.

AD-1690 Pipette Leak Tester


  • Quick, realiable testing of less than 5 seconds
  • Leak detection by depressurization ensuring no dust enters the object being measured
  • Replaceable air filter to protect the AD-1690 from dust when it intakes air
  • RS-232C interface to output data to a PC or an A&D peripheral device
  • Five years warranty

Additional Information

The AD-1690 will rule if a device passes or fails an air pressurisation test immediately indicating if the item requires attention or repair.

As the AD-1690 works on an evacuation principle instead of an injection method it prevents foreign particles being pulled into the device potentially causing damage.

The device comes with three attachments for pipette testing allowing pipette volumes of 1µl to 10,000 µl to be tested. Data can be output to a peripheral device via the RS-232C interface.

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